United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021

Following the pre-summit hosted in Rome from the 26-28 July, the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 will convene in New York in September in conjunction with the UN General Assembly. The event will bring together key players from all over the world to discuss solutions for transforming our Food Systems, and give a voice to citizens in every country.

To find out more about the UN Food Systems Summit and the activities surrounding it, visit https://www.un.org/en/food-systems-summit

PreSummit Rome 24-27 July 2021

Given the importance and urgency of this United Nations Food Systems Pre-Summit and the Summit that will follow in September, Act4Food Act4Change is pleased to confirm that we will be actively contributing to the Pre-Summit in various sessions as accepted by the UNFSS Secretariat. We will be present through our youth leaders including Youth Sophie Healy-Thow, Marie-Claire Graf, Lana Weidgenet, Lavetanalagi Seru, Mike Khunga and Rayan Kassem along with virtual participation from youth members in all countries where we are operational.

In this regard, and more specifically, the Act4Food Act4Change youth team supported by GAIN and the Food Foundation will be working on two different parallel sessions;

Member State Roundtable: Youth leaders meet decision makers. Connecting the dots for better food systems. An open discussion.

CEO Roundtable: Unleashing the potential of young people and business in transforming food systems.

The Act4Food Act4Change core team is also working on the formal youth session given to youth by Special Envoy Dr. Agnes Kalibata which will be a hybrid session held in Rome called; Transforming food systems together-Youth actions for our present and future.

Given the significance of this preSummit and Summit, we will seize all opportunities possible to meaningfully engage with Member States and all the UNFSS stakeholders, including UN agencies, philanthropists, youth, civil society and the corporate sector to help advance making the necessary food systems transformation a reality.

If you have any query, please send them to;

Act4Food Act4Change:  Sophie Healy-Thow [email protected]

23 Sep 2021

Starts at: 12:00 (Europe/Zurich)

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