About the Campaign
Act4Food Act4Change is a youth-led and initiated campaign that mobilises the power of young people to call for a global food system which provides everyone with access to safe, affordable and nutritious diets, while simultaneously protecting nature, tackling climate change and promoting human rights.
Since May 2021, hundreds of thousands of people have signed the Act4Food pledge which brings together people from all around the world to focus on their personal actions as a contribution to large scale change. We also asked youth to vote for our Actions 4 Change which are a list of actions that urge governments and businesses to act boldly and promptly. Youth have voted and in 2022 and beyond we will be taking our voting consultation and working towards implementing the top priority Actions 4 Change.
Who we are
Act4Food Act4Change campaign leadership consists of a global core group of 30 youth leaders from 26 countries, who provide strategic support and contributions to deliver the Act4Food Act4Change initiative’s purpose and mission.
Act4Food Act4Change supporters, include categories of stakeholders critical to the youth-led movement, such as youth-led organizations at global, regional or country level that seek to address topics that align with the mission of the Act4Food Act4Change initiative.
The campaign is run in close coordination with Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and Food Foundation, two non-profit organizations acting as facilitators: securing funding for the initiative, supporting the smooth rollout of Act4Food Act4Change activities and rallying a coalition of supporters behind the campaign.