Are you looking to make a change within your community, region, or country? Our toolkits showcase what healthy and sustainable nutrition is and provide resources to support young activists nationally or locally.
Download the Act4Food pledge in 14 languages and spread the word across the world!

Actions 4 Change Resources

This 14-page pamphlet – What Are Food Systems? A Primer for Youth – breaks down food systems in a highly visual way to illustrate their nine major parts: Food systems drivers; supply chains; food environments; individual factors; consumer behaviour; diets; political, programme, and institutional actions; nutritional and health outcomes; and impacts on society, economy, and environment.

The concept of ‘Food Systems’ can feel complicated. This poster – What Are Food Systems? – provides a graphic overview of some of the major interconnected parts making up our food systems. Zoom in and explore some key elements of your food system today!

Curious about the history of Act4Food Act4Change? This timeline provides a snapshot of our history – how Act4Food Act4Change has been built, supported, led, and driven by young activists with a shared vision, from its conception to its launch.

Do you have a question about Act4Food Act4Change? Want to find out more about the journey of this campaign so far, or to see how you – or your organisation – can contribute? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.
Social Media Cards

More resources can be found on Trello using the below link: