Ryan McShane
United Kingdom
Hi, I am Ryan! I am an activist with interests in young peoples rights, human rights, food poverty and insecurity, climate change and childhood trauma and adversity. I am a member of Who Cares? Scotland, a membership organisation which provides independent advocacy for care experienced people in Scotland. I subsequently was elected by its members to represent them at Scotland's Youth Parliament from 2017 and 2019. During my term, I chaired the Sport and Leisure Committee which had remit to constantly review young peoples health and public health trends. This included how our food systems were impacting young peoples lives and how the changing climate around us was having on our daily lives. An opportunity came around when the UK Future Food Inquiry took place in 2018, I attended its Findings Reception in the Scottish Parliament, joined by other UK Food Ambassadors. I was later asked to join the Food Foundation, and become a UK Food Ambassador. In that role, I amended the Right2Food charter due to the pandemic that came from the Future Food inquiry which is a series of asks on policy matter for all 4 governments. I have a particular interest in political campaigning and am passionate about how open and transparent governments are when implementing policy that relates to young people, food systems and the climate. Having been successful in a national campaign around young peoples rights in Scotland which seen a change to the law, I am committed to taking a human rights based approach to Climate Change, transformative food systems, and nutritional foods for the future, and achieving NetZero in a timely fashion.
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We have the power to take action ourselves and the right to demand urgent large-scale action from decision-makers in government and business to defeat hunger, improve sustainable healthy diets and improve our planet. #ACT4FOOD #ACT4CHANGE