Launch of our new brand!
Happy International Youth Day! We at ACT4FOOD are so excited to launch our new brand on this very special day.
ACT4FOOD is a collective of youth activists demanding a seat at the table to change food for good. From young farmers directly affected by climate change, to podcasters, educators, and artists, ACT4FOOD is a movement of diverse young people committed to finding ways to make food fairer for everyone, everywhere, at every level. As part of this goal, we’ve gathered input from hundreds of thousands of young people around the world to create a set of ten actions. We urge governments and businesses to work on these ten actions in order to make our food system healthier, more sustainable and equitable for all.
To more accurately reflect our mission we have:
- Worked with our Youth Leaders and external young people to create and define a youth-first look for our movement. We (young people) are ambassadors of the movement. The new brand represents our voice and vision.
- Young people are the messengers of ACT4FOOD’s new brand. The DIY elements are customisable allowing youth leaders to adapt and share based on our interests and activities to our communities and beyond!
- The movement is now known as ACT4FOOD to be more direct and focused. Our four sub themes show the breadth of our work and the different actions we act for.
- The number 4 in the new logo has connection points to demonstrate the interlinking food systems, and the multiple areas ACT4FOOD works within.
We hope you like our new look and feel…